Tuesday, February 14, 2017

髮菜燒肉燜日本蠔豉/ Japanese-dried Oysters with Roast Pork and Black Moss


梁許安璞(Annie Leong)於2005 年4 月開始撰寫這個專欄,隨後更出版了《安璞.滋味.知美》及《安璞.滋味.知緣》兩本烹飪書。憑着她對食物的極端執着與狂熱,對任何菜式都鍥而不捨地解構烹調技巧及製作完美食譜,深得忠實讀者的擁護。梁太於2007年10 月成立了www.cookwithannnie.com 網站,透過網站的討論區,與會員直接互動,交流各式各樣的題材、疑問和意見,也為她帶來更多刺激的新方向。梁許安璞熱情傾注的非凡入廚之旅,就只等你開卷一讀! annie.leong@singtaonewscorp.com



髮菜燒肉燜日本蠔豉/ Japanese-dried Oysters with Roast Pork and Black Moss

髮菜15克15g black moss
生粉 (清洗髮菜用 )1湯匙+油1湯匙1 tbsp cornstarch+1 tbsp oil for cleaning
1茶匙1 tsp salt
1茶匙1 tsp sugar
2茶匙2 tsp wine
雞湯1/2杯1/2 cup chicken stock
1湯匙1 tbsp oil

浸髮菜方法/Preparing the black moss

1. 髮菜放入一大碗水中,浸泡一個早上,待髮菜的雜質沉澱,然後瀝乾。用1湯匙生粉及1湯匙油洗擦髮菜。
Soak the black moss in plenty of cold water for one morining to allow sand and soil to sink into the bottom of the bowl, Drain the black moss. Now rub 1 tbsp cornstarch and 1 tbsp oil into the black moss. 
2. .然後將髮菜過水,需要換水重複清洗數次,盡可能把髮菜的雜質洗掉。擠乾髮菜,碗底會留有細小沙泥。
Rinse the black moss in several changes of water, removing as much of the impurities as possible. Squeeze dry the black moss. There will be fine sand at the bottom of the bowl.
3. 髮菜以鹽、糖、酒、雞湯和油調味。
Season the black moss with salt, sugar, wine, chicken stock and oil.
4. 用錫紙蓋好,隔水蒸半小時,備用。
Cover with aluminium foil and steam for 1/2 hour. Set aside the steamed black moss.

蠔豉煮法/Preparing the semi-dried oysters

材料 Ingredients
日本大蠔豉12隻12 large Japanese-dried oysters
中型冬菇(浸透)18隻18 Chinese mushrooms, medium size, soaked
燒豬腩(起肉,切成長塊)400克400g roast belly pork, rib bones removed and cut into rectangular pieces
乾瑤柱(蒸熟後拆散)1/4杯1/4 cup dried scallop ,steamed and shredded 
唐生菜500克500g Chinese lettuce
3至4片3-4 pieces ginger
葱段3至4條3-4 sprigs spring onion
油(煎蠔豉用)1湯匙1 tbsp oil for searing
蠔豉醃料 Oyster Marinade
1/2茶匙1/2 tsp salt
1茶匙1 tsp sugar
薑汁1茶匙1 tsp ginger juice
紹興酒1湯匙1 tbsp Chinese Shaoxing wine
生粉1茶匙1 tsp cornstarch
1湯匙1 tbsp oil
煨蠔豉汁 Braising seasoning
雞湯 1杯1 cup chicken stock
1杯1 cup water
蠔油1湯匙1 tbsp oyster sauce
老抽1湯匙1 tbsp dark soya sauce
1茶匙1 tsp sugar
1/4茶匙1/4 tsp salt
紹興酒1湯匙1 tbsp Chinese Shaoxing wine
玫瑰露酒1茶匙1 tsp rose wine
麻油1茶匙1 tsp sesame oil
芡料 Cornstarch mixture
生粉2茶匙2 tsp cornstarch
2湯匙2 tbsp water
1. 蠔豉浸凍水10分鐘至軟身,然後用手指擦掉蠔豉污垢和沙泥。除去較硬部分,棄掉。用清水沖洗,再用乾淨布塊將蠔豉徹底擦乾。
Soak the dried oysters in cold water for 10 minutes, then rub gently with your fingers to get rid of dirt and sand. Remove and discard the hard muscles. Rinse well with water, drain and dry thoroughly with a clean towel.
2. 用鹽、糖、薑汁、酒、生粉和油醃勻。
Marinate the oysters with salt, sugar, ginger, juice, wine, cornstarch and oil.
Heat up a heavy, flat-bottomed frying pan, add 1 tbsp oil, and when hot, fry the ginger and spring onion until fragrant. Now sear the dried oysters in this oil until golden brown.
4. 灒下兩種酒(紹興酒和玫瑰露),然後注入雞湯和水。將蠔豉和湯汁置入燜鍋中。
Sizzle in the two types of wine(Shaoxing and rose wine), then splash in the chicken stock and water.Transfer the oysters and sauce into a braising pan.
5. 加入乾瑤柱絲,再放蠔油、老抽、糖和鹽調味。滾起後收細火,加蓋燜1小時,中途視乎情況添加水分。
Add the shredded dry scallop, and season with oyster sauce, dark soya sauce, sugar and salt. Bring to a boil, lower the heat to a fast simmer, covered, for 1 hour, replenish with water if necessary.
6. 加入燒豬腩肉和冬菇,一起和蠔豉再燜半小時。中途視乎情況添加水分。燜完要有1杯肉汁剩餘。濾出肉汁備用。
Add the roast belly pork pieces, mushrooms and continue to braise with the oyster for 30 minutes; add more liquid if necessary, make sure there remains 1 cup of liquid at the end of cooking. Drain the sauce and set aside.
Arrange oysters at the bottom of a deep bowl, then a layer of roast pork, a layer of mushrooms and finally cover with dark moss. Pour the drained sauce into the bowl and steam for 20 minutes.
8. 與此同時,用加入少許鹽、糖、酒及油的滾水,將唐生菜灼熟,瀝乾備用。
In the meantime blanch the Chinese lettuce in boiling water with a pinch of salt, sugar, wine and oil. Drain and set aside.
9. 蠔豉蒸至腍身後,將汁倒進鑊裏煮滾,並加入芡料煮至濃稠。灒麻油。
After the oysters and steamed soft, drain the sauce from the steamed bowl into a wok. Bring the sauce to boil and thicken with cornstarch mixture. Sizzle in sesame oil.
Place a plate over the bowl and invert the oysters, mushrooms etc. onto the plate. Be sure to hold the plate and bowl firmly together. Lift and remove the bowl.
11. 將唐生菜圍飾在盛蠔豉的碟邊,把醬汁淋在蠔豉上即成。
Arrange lettuce attactively around the oysters. Pour the sauce over it and serve!


The soaked mushrooms taste better if the following procedures are applied before braising with the oysters : After soaked and washed the mushroom, steam the mushrooms in the strained mushroom water with 1 tsp rock sugar, 1 tsp light soya sauce, 2 tsp oil and 1 tsp cornstarch. Cover with aluminium foil. Steam for 45 minutes with high heat.

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